Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 9 & 10

On the way to Yosemite from Tulare a rock hit our windshield and cracked it. I don't know from where, there were no big trucks around at the time. It has been growing several inches a day. There is nobody around here who fixes or replaces windshields. I had hoped to wait until we got to a big city but the crack was not waiting for us.
In addition our printer was not working. I got new cartridges but the black and yellow would not work. Could be bad cartridges, but costly to try new ones to find out that the (old) new ones were not bad. In addition the printer did not fit well anywhere in the trailer.
We decided yesterday to drive to Sonora to Staples and buy and new printer that uses the same cartridges. The HP 5514 e does everything our old printer did but has a smaller footprint. It will fit into our cabinets. Still is WiFi as well as duplex printing and scans to PDF's. It was on sale for $89.99 so we decided to purchase it.

HP 5514 e
We also wanted to replace or at least repair to some extent the windshield. It was Saturday and Sonora is not a large town so we knew that was not going to be an easy task.

Unfortunately we could not get the window replaced but we did get a mobile company to agree to at least agree to stop the crack from advancing. It is just above my eye line so it is an aggravation and I will need to replace it, but at least now it will not get worse. In addition he and his wife were a wonderful Christian couple and it was a pleasure to meet them! We ended going to their house. They have a horse that he has trained to do some amazing things. It even climbed up some boulders which horses don't like to do.
Quite entertaining!

Today we went to EV Free Church in Groveland. They had a traditional service at 9:30 and a contemporary worship service at 11:00. we went to the 11:00 service. Even though that was the smaller service with only maybe 30 people in it, it was great. Much like our home church, New Life! We felt right at home.

We leave for Lake of the Springs tomorrow in Oregon House, CA. We are supposed to have good phone service there. Keep us in your prayers. You are ALL in ours!

God Bless you,
Brian and Patty


Cynthia's Out and About said...

Just checking to see if it takes my comments. tried and tried. Don't know where they go.

Cynthia's Out and About said...

Great it worked.