Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Klamath, Ca

The Klamath River RV Park is right on the Klamath River. We could had stayed on a river front site but they  have a $5.00 a day extra charge for that, and we plan not to be here during the day alot. In addition we can see the river from our site anyway. Also the hookups are set so you would have to run the sewer hose under the trailer. We are fine were we are.

Klamath River RV Park
Right now there is nobody between us and the river. This is sure to change as the weekend draws close. We also do not have anyone on either side of us which is good because the sites are very narrow.

The Cameo!
They have  chairs setup along the shore of the river that anyone staying here can use. Just below the brown chairs you can walk down further to the shoreline and there are more chairs setup. There is also a fish cleaning station there.

Chairs along shore
We took a dirt road called the Coastal Drive. It hung along the cliffs with some great views.

Coastal Drive
There were some buildings that looked like farm buildings along the drive. During WWII the government built them to look like farm buildings but they had radar and other detection devices to covertly look out for Japanese ships and subs. We had to hike down a hill to get to the buildings but there was a sign telling us about them.

WWII detection building
We got to the High Bluff Overlook. Patty loves how the moss grows on everything here.

This was a very nice view from the overlook.

Awesome view
We completed the drive on the Coastal Drive and came to the Douglass Memorial Bridge. This was the original Highway 101 bridge that crossed over the Klamath River. In December 1964 there was a major flood with the water going 18' over the banks! Huge Redwood trunks came through and demolished the bridge. In addition the entire town of Klamath was wiped out! This is all that remains of the Douglass bridge.

Douglass Memorial Bridge
They rebuilt the city of Klamath a few miles further up from the river. Here is the new bridge. Notice they still have the bears but they are now painted Gold. (the old ones may have been painted gold too).

New Klamath Bridge
We decided to drive a few miles to the Coastal Redwoods Park. We got a late start today because we drove all day yesterday and were not in a hurry to start today so it was getting late. We wanted to hike a short trail and get back for diner. We quickly found the Ah-Pah Interpretive Trail. 

Ah-Pah Trailhead
The Ah-Pah trail was a logger road but has been reclaimed as a hiking trail. They went in and pulled all the asphalt and replanted native vegetation. The trail is short, just 1/2 mile round trip.

This looks like a split tree but it is actually two separate trees. They must have been hit by lightening or maybe just burned in a fire. The trail went between the two trees.

Two Trees
The trail ended in the Merriman Redwood Grove.

Merriman Grove
We continued to the Visitor Center but is was already closed. We will go back tomorrow. We did notice that there were dozens of different groves we need to hike to! We are not sure one week is enough time here, so we will need to come back again.

We left the visitor center and passed the Elk meadow. Guess what was grazing in the field? Yep, three elk.

Elk in field
We got back to camp and I barbecued some chicken. Crystal would have loved it! The sunset was nice. I took this photo from in front of our 5th wheel!

Klamath River
That's all for today. We miss you guys!

Love you,
Brian and Patty

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