Tuesday, November 03, 2015

The Price is Right!

We got back to Ventura. Patty wanted to go to a taping of The Price is Right with Drew Carey.

Price is Right
She had told me about this months earlier and I had requested tickets online. We asked for 4 thinking maybe Terri and Scott could go. As it turned out Scott could not miss work, so just the three of us went. I requested Priority Seating which guarantees a seat in the studio audience where they pick the people that go onstage.

Priority Seating
Here are the three of us waiting inline. Many people get Price is Right (PIR) T-shirts made up but we just bought Walmart T-shirts that were color matching. I'm convinced it's about giving them the personality they want, not what you're wearing.

Waiting in Line at CBS Studio
The show started and there are Terri, Patty and Brian. We are sitting right by George Grey the announcer so we will be seen many times during the show.

The Show Starts
To my surprise, but not to Terri or Patty I was the first contestant name they called. Here I am running up to the front.

Jumping out of my seat
Although I was the first picked I kept BARELY overbidding. In fact Drew joked with me that I needed to quit adding sales tax. I was consistently the closest bidder, but just over everytime. You need to be the closest but not over.

Expensive Luggage
We were in the second half of the hour show. This expensive luggage was up for bid. I did the $1 over bid that everyone hates. The highest bid was $1100. I bid $1101 because I was getting desperate! LOL. 

$1101 Bid
That expensive luggage listed for $1800.00 so I get to go on stage with Drew! It's about time!

Winning Bid
I had talked to Drew and told him that Patty and I are full time RV'ers during commercial breaks, so when I got up on stage instead of asking me where I'm from and what I do, he just introduced me as retired and traveling full time in an RV.

Meeting Drew!
I told Drew that we were celebrating our 40th anniversary. They did a closeup of Patty and Terri!

My Bride of 40 years!
My prize to try and win was a week trip to Victoria, BC. It is the coming or going game where you have to choose between two prices.

British Columbia Vacation
The choices were 5k or 7K. I thought it was 5K, but EVERYONE in the audience was saying 7K. Seriously like NOBODY thought 5K! So I went with the majority (and Patty and Terri) and went with 7K.

Everyone said 7K!
The other choice would have been $5537.

Rachel turned over the price and unfortunately is was the $5K price.

Maybe it was for the best because we can go there for what we would have had to pay in taxes! LOL!

Then it was time to spin the big wheel.

Spin it!!!
I made sure I gave a "shout out" to Crystal, Matt and grandbabies Gracie and Charlie. Maybe someday they (Gracie and Charlie) will see this and know I did! LOL.

With two spins I ended up with a total of 65.

.65 spin
The guy after me spun a 90 and got in the showcase. He didn't win it, the guy in the first half won the showcase.

We had a good time. Drew seems to really care about the contestants. Drew kept asking me about RVing. How do I do WiFi while on the road? Where have I stayed? Things like that. I think either he has an RV or plans on getting one.

Also off camera, back stage Drew approached the guy that lost the showcase to console him. I have been on three other game shows in my life and have not seen the host do this. Drew seems like a very caring and nice person. 

Well that's it for our Price is Right experience. The episode aired on November 2nd, 2015. I was bound by contract not to share information until then. That is why I waited until now to do this blog. We could not have cameras or phones in the studio, that is why I took screen shots from the broadcasted show.

That's it for now.

Pray for little Avery,

God Bless,
Brian and Patty

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